“I Never Admitted Over Voting” — Barr. C. O. C Akaolisa

The Imo state former Attorney General and a commissioner designate, Barr. C.O.C Akaolisa has come out to debunk as fake news that he had admitted in his witness statement at the ongoing Imo State Governorship Election Petition Tribunal that there was over voting.

Responding on a telephone conversation with Ambrose Nwaogwugwu, the senior lawyer described the news as peddled at some section of the media as misleading, Ambrose Nwaogwugwu writes:

Yet Again, Imo PDP Builds Skyscraper On A Shaky Sounds With Propaganda

By: Ambrose Nwaogwugwu, April 01, 2024.

“I Never Admitted Over Voting” — Barr. C. O. C Akaolisa

I have pity for the few remaining adherents of the Imo State People’s Democratic Party (PDP).

I pity for them because their leaders do not rate them one bit. Infact, they mercilessly deals dangerous emotional blows to them every now and then by raising their hopes with faux hopes laced with kindergarten propaganda that is unsustainable by any shred of intellectual interrogation.

That Imo State PDP is now a shadow of its former glory is no longer a new thing but how they play with the emotional intelligence of her members is the most disrespectful antics never seen before.

We all know the withdrawal strategies of most defeated politicians; that they tend to enlist the hope of their few defeated supporters up high above just to maintain and service their support base in readiness of the next election cycle but when one desperately overdo this, it becomes worrisome for the sanity of human consumption.

The PDP in Imo state has become the proverbial clown my idol and personal mentor Chinua Achebe wrote about: the forgetful clown who kept hitting its legs on the same object over and over again simply because they were too forgetful to remember what hit them only a short while ago.

The PDP is destroying the psychological wellbeing and mental health of their few remaining members by toying with it with unreasonable propaganda that at the end of the day, everything will come crashing to their faces and their supporters will once again be thoroughly defeated again, this time, psychological and mental defeat which is the worst form of defeat.

Before the election, the PDP thru their kindergarten propaganda machinery had built on the castle the hopes of their few supporters that Mr. Sam BABY has already taken over the entire security machinery in the state, infact, their planted pieces of propaganda have it that they have already made arrangements for some militants from Bayelsa state to man each polling unit with two men in the state, this raised the hopes of their few supporters to high heavens and at the end of that election, the PDP did not only lost but lost in every local government area of the state in the most shameful way that has never been seen before.

All in the 2019 gubernatorial election tribunal cases, the PDP also rallied the hope of their few supporters to highest levels, infact, because of the propaganda going around, all the PDP supporters were already killing cows and calling for parties and booked hotel spaces in the state but when the Supreme Court delivered their judgement, it was unanimous then one wonders where the rays of hopes were coming for them if not empty headed propaganda which are unsustainable.

This time again, the PDP in their old stock in trade are already out with a propaganda which they have planted at some national pages of some newspapers just to mislead their few supporters once again….

A news they planted in Dailytrust.com with a headline “Tribunal: Uzodinma’s Defence Suffers Setback As Witness Admits Disparity In Votes, WAEC Certificate” is one of those pedestrian antics of the Imo PDP as usual.

In the propaganda report, they planted that “The star witness of Governor Hope Uzodinma at the ongoing election petition tribunal in Abuja made a shocking revelation, admitting that the votes garnered by the Governor exceeded the number of accredited voters.

“Barrister Akolisa, who appeared before the Justice Oluyemi Osadebey-led panel on Friday, said the votes recorded for Governor Uzodinma in the Form EC8D result sheet issued by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) exceeded the number of accredited voters on the certified Bimodal Voter Accreditation System (BVAS) report.”

Nothing could be father from the truth.

The above reported propaganda story which was planted by the PDP inside Daily Trust and the Guardian never happened, as it only exists on the figment of blurry imaginations of the severally defeated PDP, only.

How to spot out planted stories:

The two platforms, ie. Daily Trust and the Guardian reported the same story verbatim without any of them referencing each other as to who copied each other.

So, obviously, the story was sent to them by the PDP for them to publish and they did a shoody job of publishing the same story without any alteration.

If you doubt me, read the planted propaganda story as published by the Daily Trust here

And read the one published by the Guardian here https://guardian.ng/politics/uzodinmas-defense-suffers-setback-as-witness-admits-disparity-in-governors-votes-waec-certificate/.

They both reported the same junks without changing the story as sent to them, as they did a lazy job. They were too lazy to reference any of each other.

No reputable newspaper can copy a report from another newspaper verbatim without giving credit or making reference to where it was copied from except when it was a planted story sent to them, and in this very case, it was exactly what happened.

I spoke to the ex attorney General and currently a commissioner designate, Barr. C.O.C Akaolisa this early morning, who was misreported in those planted reports as a star witness and he debunked that such a thing never took place.

Infact, let me quote Barr. Akaolisa verbatim:

“The report said that I admitted in my witness statement that there was over voting and that the principal of the school said that Hope did not school there; there were no such things, it is just the PDP propaganda, there was no case and they couldn’t establish any case.

“What I was asked by their lawyer was whether the end report, the BVAS report from the end server will be the same with the accreditation sheet, that is the form EC8D and I answered no because there may be people who may be accredited and may not vote, that ordinarily the report of BVAS should be the same with that of the accreditation report but because of those who were accredited and did not vote, there is no way the results can be the same.”

Continuing, the immediate past attorney General of Imo State said that in the just concluded cases of both Obi vs Tinubu and Oyetola vs Adeleke, the court has held that the BVAS must agree with the accredited reports to arrive at a conclusive figures of the election.

“And in the case of Peter Obi vs Tinubu, the Supreme Court has already held that it is not the reports that determine the accreditation, that was what Adeleke used in the Adeleke case — they have to bring all the BVAS machines that were used but this people (Imo PDP) did not bring one single BVAS machine, they didn’t produce any BVAS and also in the case of the APGA people I made it clear that there is no way you can determine the accreditation report without the BVAS machine so they have failed, the Supreme Court has said that it is not the reports that determine the accreditation report, it is the BVAS machine and the voter’s register and not the back end server’s report that you will know accreditation.

“So this was what transpired, they started carrying propaganda that I admitted there was over voting, no body even asked me a question on over voting. It is their (Imo PDP) normal thing. This is the same thing they did during Emeka Ihedioha, they will start confusing the people and build up sentiments to make it look like we have a bad case and when the court gives judgement they will start agitation.”

On the issue of the principal denying the Governor, Barr. Akaolisa said it was all lies.

“The woman is the principal. There was no denial of the governor. She took them on and gave a very good account of herself”. He concluded urging the general public to discontnouce with the normal propaganda of Imo PDP.

Ask yourself, if you think you have a good case, why going public with #FakeNews to misinform the public?

It is because of one fundamental thing and like the honorable commissioner designate stated above, the Imo PDP is only engaging in those kindergarten propaganda just to rile up sentiments amongst her few supporters in anticipation of their woeful outing……

Imo PDP must have mercy on her few remaining wandering supporters; this emotional torture is becoming unbecoming!

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