Ambrose Nwaogwugwu: Open Letter To Hon. Emeka Ihedioha(2022)

We hhave spotted an open letter written to Rt. Hon. Emeka Ihedioha by the Imo State born political activist, Comrade Ambrose Nwaogwugwu where he counselled the former Deputy Speaker of House of Reps. on his next political moves in 2022. The letter is reproduced below. 👇


— What You Must Do To Remain Politically Alive!

My dear Dede,

I hope this letter meets you well.

I heard today is your birthday, I send you very good wishes on this day!

I would have elected to send you a private memo of these valuable counsels of mine but on a second thought, due to the fact that our people say that it is good for he who is giving palmfrond feeds to the goat of the village gods must always keep his hand as transparent as possible and conspicuous, too, so that both the custodian of the gods and passersby will know that he who was contracted to feed the goat of the village gods did not starve it, hence this open letter. I will want it placed on records that Nwaogwugwu wrote, when it became obvious that you were on a free ride to political obscurity. And no man will say: what did you do?

Within the last few political events in our dear state, I have watched keenly how you have fared and to the best of my knowledge; these are worst of times, politically for you.

As a concerned junior brother, I am moved by brotherly love to pen down these observations because I have seen the political tragectory and I can no longer keep calm because our people say that inwe nwanne anaghị eru na ọkpụkpụ.

I know your heart is full of vile and acrimony against declared political enemies but as christ ambassadors who both demonstrate christ’s agape love and indeed love above board, that is why I will be taking my time to pen down this emotional cum realistic political observations and will also be profeering some solutions.

There is a very popular saying by the Sages of our people which says that it is only a fool who does not know who is greater than him. Ọwụ onye iberibe na amaghị onye ka ya!

I can not believe you, my dear dede to be one hence I am putting up this notes of advisory to you on what you must do if you must survive the next political chapter of our dear state.

By 2023, if Christ tarries, will be very instructional in your political voyage as it would be a year that one of these two things MUST happen to you – to either go into political extinction or become politically relevant.

In either of the two: it will only depend on how you play your game.

From available political records and statistics, very verifiable by factual prepositions — it has been proven beyond every reasonable doubt that the #PeoplesGovernor Distinguished Senator Hope Uzodimma, your governor, is your senior in this game of politics.

People may choose to debate it however they wish to, the debates can neither alter nor change the facts that have been entered in the events of time.

Opinions are free to air but facts are sacred.

You can disagree with facts but your disagreement of facts cannot change or alter facts. Facts remains facts irrespective of what you may think or propose.

If you can remember vividly when you lost out during your third term bid in 2011; Dede’m, can you remember who made you to bounce back?

Did you remember how you drove yourself that early morning to the Owerri residence of the then Senator Hope Uzodimma when it was already on all the local media outlets that Barr. Soronandi Njoku has won the PDP ticket, you stood outside his house and came crying to him of your ordeals and what transpired and did you remember what he told you?

After that meeting in his Owerri residence, both of you took off to Abuja later in the day and by evening of that same day, Network news of radio Nigeria did pronounce you winner of the primary and the rest they say is history today.

One man made it possible!

Again, when you contested the first gubernatorial ticket of the PDP in 2015, can you also remember what transpired that night at Dan Anyiam stadium?

When it was obvious that Sen. Ifeanyi Araraume was clearly cruising in to victory, a man also came to the rescue and at the end of that night, you were declared the winner.

I need not remind you of who made that possible, also.

Fast forward to recent political developments in our dear state – you were wrongfully declared as the Governor and only one man came back to reclaim his stolen mandate from you even when you were the executive governor with all the state resources within your disposal.

Just that same, and one man!

And very recently, at your backyard and maternal home in Ngor Okpala, that same man still came and beat you blue black!

My dearly beloved Dede’m; how many times will a man kill a lion before he is chieftained Ogbuagu?

I have gone this historical lengths to refresh your memories back so that the facts I am trying to situate in the events of time can have meanings to you.

These events took place and you have the records.

You are in the best place to interpret it, but no one fights facts, however displeasing.

Now, back to the theme of this epistle.

The thematic reference point is how you must play to survive 2023 politically because it will be very instrumental.

Now, I propose to you Dede’m:

A political alliance.

For you to survive the political onslaught that have been clearly drafted to politically obliterate you after 2023 — you must enter into a political alliance with this man – your senior in this game of politics.

This alliance will be very strategic in your politics beyond 2023.

Declare for the People’s Governor Hope Uzodimma who has always been your political savor at different and uncountable occasions.

If the #PeoplesGovernor Hope Uzodimma decides to recontest – when you declare for him, he will have just only one term of four years in office and at the end of the day, he would hand over to you.

Governor Uzodimma is a man of his words. I have tested his integrity and faithful keeping of his words and promises, personally and you too, Dede’m, I know you have also tested his promises before and can attest that he is a keeper of his words.

Those of the people fighting the structure with you in the PDP are all tilting towards that direction and cutting deals here and there with the Governor…. Having come a long way together, I believe that your prepositions of alliance will make the best sense to him and will be most effectively considered.

You both have come a long way in this political journey and forming alliance will be an easy pull through.

From verifiable historical records, fighting the man – the People’s Governor has never yielded any result to you and like the Sages would always say, it only reeks of foolhardy for one to continue to do the same thing every time and expect a different result.

Now is the time to try a different approach to your politicking and do a different thing and the different thing is coming together to work with the Governor, form alliance with him going into 2023 and extract a favorable political milage for your political career beyond 2023.

This is your only opportunity to remain politically relevant as anything contrary to this will send you into an everlasting political obscurity.

Ndi Mbaise are known to be wise people, use your tongue to count your teeth Dede’m as the ball is now in your court.

With love from your junior brother;

Ambrose Nwaogwugwu.
March 24, 2022.
Abuja, Nigeria.

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